- Introduction to iTax
- VAT on Digital Marketplace Supply
- Filing Returns on iTax
- More about Corporation Tax
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- More about Rental Income Tax
- Stamp Duty
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- More about Withholding Tax
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- Advance Ruling
- Everything about Customs
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- VAT Automated Audit
- Turnover Tax (ToT)
- Income Tax Individual Refund Claims
- Tax Laws (Amendment) 2020
- Tax Assessment
- Taxation of Foreign Income
- Voluntary Tax Disclosure Programme
- Waiver Process
- Exemption (Customs)
- Duty Remission Scheme
- OECD/G20 BEPS Project ( Inclusive Framework )
- Harmonised System (HS) & Common External Tariff (CET)
- The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
- Single Customs Territory (SCT)
- Tax Refunds
- About Capital Gain Tax
- Coordinated Border Management
- Rollout of Excise Stamps on Cosmetics
- Tax Amnesty on Interest & Penalties for periods up to 31st December 2022
- Passenger Terminal Clearance in Kenya
- Learn about eTIMS
- Migrated Legacy System Taxpayer Ledger Balances
- The VAT Auto-Populated Return
What is Duty Remission Scheme?
In accordance to East African Community Customs Management Act section 140, the Council of Ministers may grant remission of duty for the manufacture of goods in a Partner State either:
- goods imported for use in the manufacture of goods for export under Export Promotion Program Office(E.P.P.O)
- such goods imported for use in the manufacture of approved goods for home consumption as the Council may, from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, determine under Essential Goods Production Support Program (E.G.P.S.P)
What is Duty Remission Scheme?
In accordance to East African Community Customs Management Act section 140, the Council of Ministers may grant remission of duty for the manufacture of goods in a Partner State either:
- goods imported for use in the manufacture of goods for export under Export Promotion Program Office(E.P.P.O)
- such goods imported for use in the manufacture of approved goods for home consumption as the Council may, from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, determine under Essential Goods Production Support Program (E.G.P.S.P)
Who are members of Duty Remission Committee?
Is comprised of a representative from
- the ministry responsible for finance i.e The National Treasury.
- the ministry responsible for trade and industry.
- the body representative of manufacturers i.e Kenya Assemblies of Manufacturers.
- the Custom & Border Control.
- any body or institution the Commissioner may deem fit to appoint for example Sugar Directorate.
How does one join the Scheme?
A manufacturer seeking to join the scheme shall make application to the committee. A valid Tax Compliance Certificate shall accompany a new application where applicable, a Certificate of Incorporation, VAT Registration Certificate and identification certificate for tax purposes, (PIN/ TIN/ UIN) and any other documents as may be required by the Committee.
The Committee after the receipt of the application may arrange to visit the premises of the applicant, especially those who are applying for the first time to verify the following;
- Evidence that the applicant manufactures or intends to manufacture the goods for which the duty remission on raw materials is being sought. Some examples of such evidence may include the presence of appropriate machinery, labour, manufacturing/production premises, storage facilities, licenses, contracts etc;
- Evidence that the applicant maintains proper records;
- Evidence that the applicant has capacity to manufacture the goods for which remission is being sought ;
- Any other information that may be necessary to assist the Committee make a decision on the application.
The Committee shall then convene to receive; vet and process applications for remission made and advise the Council, through the Commissioner, with respect to these applications.
What are the conditions for joining the Scheme?
- Evidence that the applicant manufactures or intends to manufacture the goods for which the duty remission on raw materials is being sought. Some examples of such evidence may include the presence of appropriate machinery, labour, manufacturing/production premises, storage facilities, licenses, contracts etc;
- Evidence that the applicant maintains proper records;
- Evidence that the applicant has capacity to manufacture the goods for which remission is being sought ;
- Any other information that may be necessary to assist the Committee make a decision on the application.
What determines the raw materials to be considered under the Scheme?
The Council of East African Community Ministers through Council’s Decision.
What is the duration /validity of Remission?
Remission of duty granted shall be valid for a period of twelve months from the date of the publication of the grant in the Gazette.
What is a control (C60/C56)?
Is an internal document used by Treasury to monitor quantities approved by Gazette for importation of raw materials under Duty Remission Scheme?
C56 is used to import goods for use in the manufacture of goods for export under Export Promotion Program Office (E.P.P.O)
C60 is used to import goods for use in the manufacture of approved goods for home consumption as the Council may, from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, determine under Essential Goods Production Support Program (E.G.P.S.P)
What is the bond category used in importation under the Scheme?
A manufacturer of goods imported for use in the manufacture of goods for export or home use shall execute a CB13 bond, which is a particular bond with a validity of 12 months.
What is the validity of the bond?
12 months.
How do you treat by-products or wastes from process of manufacture?
Where a by-product, scrap or waste of commercial value results from a process of manufacture or production utilizing goods subject to duty remission, duty shall be payable on the prevailing value of the by-product, scrap or waste, unless the by-product, scrap or waste is exported or destroyed under the supervision of the proper officer.
What is the contact of Duty Remission office?
You can contact through email vide Dutyremissionscheme@kra.go.ke
Or call vide
Or Visit our office at
Times Tower Building at Haile Selassie Avenue, 1st Floor, Remissions office.