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International Capacity Development Program (ICDP)

Our International Capacity Development Program (ICDP) serves as a knowledge exchange platform for our international partners to build capacity on taxation matters while also positioning KRA as a thought leader in revenue administration.

About the Program

The program is intended to aid adoption of best practice in tax administration in various tax jurisdictions in the South through improved revenue mobilization and realization of quality tax systems in partnering countries.

It is a structured way of streamlining resources and communicating procedures and processes to be followed in the facilitation of inward visits/missions in order to ensure that KRA provides a good experience to prospective visitors when facilitating visits and that expertise and resources used during the visits are properly coordinated without disrupting operations.

The program is primarily targeted at visitors from national revenue administration agencies and is designed as a platform for knowledge and information exchange for technical assistance and capacity building purposes to promote revenue administration best practice.

Guidelines to Visiting Us

When you apply to visit us:

  • All requests should be addressed to us on an official letter head of the requesting organisation and accompanied by a duly completed ICDP Application Form;
  • The completed ICDP Application Form is to reach KRA at least 30 days prior to the proposed date(s) of the visit unless:  
    • your visit is an addition to an existing itinerary involving visits to other government departments and will be less than one day in duration.
    • your tax administration has a shared interest with us, or there are strategic or compliance objectives that could be addressed during the visit.
  • A full Curriculum Vitae / Biographical sketch for each delegate is required at the time the application is submitted;
  • All visitors must be processed through the KRA Security & Safety Services (SSS) Division for security clearance and to obtain visitor identification whilst at KRA premises.

Note: Your preferred dates for visiting will be subject to availability of our officers to meet with you and our available resources to coordinate the visit.

Next steps:

Important considerations

  1. Our program is designed to cater for visits of up to three (3) days.
  2. We can host visits on all months except in January, June, July, October and December due to conflicting schedules with corporate-wide activities hence our speakers are unavailable during these months.
  3. To get the most from your visit, we recommend you limit your delegation to no more than ten (10) people and preferably no more than five if your delegation will use an interpreter. Your delegation will need to provide an interpreter if one is required.
  4. We do not fund visits by overseas tax administrations to our offices. Each administration is responsible for their own costs in relation to flights, accommodation, allowances and transfers. We will provide the presenters, venue, and light refreshments on the mission day.
  5. Unfortunately, we may not be able to accommodate all visit requests due to resourcing constraints or other business priorities.

Giving us feedback

If you have completed the program and would like to leave feedback on your experience or have suggestions on how we can improve our visitors program, complete the feedback form and submit it to us.

KRA Headquaters,Times Tower, Haile Selassie Avenue, Nairobi Kenya

Contact Centre

International Capacity Development Program (ICDP)