KRA's Tenda Wema Initiative:Making a Difference in Kenyan Communities

Other than tax collection and provision of tax services in the country, Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) understands the importance of giving back to the society. Through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pillars—Education, Health, Environment, and Sports, we have implemented over 100  social engagements initiatives in the  underserved communities through our doing good programme called Tenda Wema.

In doing good KRA staff have offered donations (food, clothing, dignity kits) counselling and mentorship sessions in schools and youth in underserved communities.   So far, we have mentored 358 youth and teen mothers in Ngong, Kibra, Mukuru kwa Reuben and Njiru.

Under our education pillar, KRA staff visited Shinning Hill School in Njiru, offering valuable counselling and mentorship to students on critical social issues such as teen pregnancy, drug abuse and early marriages. KRA certified counsellors from the Customs and Border Control Department Mr. Samuel Githinji and Ms. Bertha Wambui shared insights and personal experiences, emphasizing the importance of avoiding early marriages and drug abuse.

Under our Health pillar, we have embraced neurodiversity by celebrating Autism awareness month through staff sensitisations and school visits. One such visit was at Percy Davies Special School in Murang'a County. During this event, our staff donated food items to 89 special needs students and participated in activities such as singing, dancing, sharing snacks and stories telling.

Additionally, KRA Volunteers have given 2250 Hours( 94 days) to community service in areas such as Umama Grounds, Komarok, Kawangware kwa Chief, Huruma, Soweto, Embakasi, Dagoretti, Ngando Ward, Mwiki, Kasarani, Mihango, Lake View Junior Academy, Kibera High- Rise Soweto Resource Centre, Dagoretti, Ngando Ward, Babadogo area amongst others. This engagements are done every Sunday,  in partnership with by the Hindu Council of Kenya and Relationship Haven Organisation through a weekly feeding programme in underserved communities.

Our Tenda Wema program, Swahili for "do good," encourages voluntary donations from our staff to support local underprivileged communities. It's more than a campaign; it's a movement aimed at fostering generosity among our employees and making a real difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

Through our CSR Volunteerism Program, we actively engage our staff in initiatives that foster community engagement. This demonstrates our commitment to social responsibility. We believe that by coming together and giving back, we can make a real difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Join us in giving back and be part of the change, as Kulipa Ushuru, nikujitegemea!


"Giving back to society is not just about making a donation, it's about making a difference." - Kathy Calvin

EDUCATION 16/05/2024

KRA's Tenda Wema Initiative:Making a Difference in Kenyan Communities