Title How much duty can I expect to pay on importation of a second hand motor vehicle

The duty payable on the importation of a motor vehicle is as follows:

  • Import Duty: 25% of the Customs Value (CIF) of the vehicle

  • Excise Duty: 20% of the (CIF + Import Duty)

  • VAT: 16% of the (CIF value + Import Duty + Excise Duty)

  • Import Declaration Form (IDF): 2% of the CIF value

  • Railway Development Levy (RDL): 1.5% of the CIF

CIF - This is the customs value of the vehicle i.e. the Cost, Insurance & Freight paid for the vehicle. The CIF value of the vehicle is also deduced from the Current Retail Selling Price (CRSP) of the vehicle.

Category Everything about Customs